The question isn't, How do I write a proposal?
The question is, How do I win a competition?
We have two passions: 1) To help businesses upgrade their proposal capabilities and processes; and 2) To win.

Anyone can write a proposal. Whether or not the proposal is compliant, that's another thing. Whether it persuades the customer to select your solution for an award: that's something else entirely. Developing proposals isn't about getting paper out the door; it's about winning, about being awarded the contract or task order

This is where we come in. We provide consulting services to U.S. Government contractors in proposal development and proposal process training. We enable small and large businesses to win new contracts through compliant, persuasive, and professional-level proposals. We also help small businesses move to the next level by establishing and training on comprehensive proposal processes.

We specialize in Department of Defense (DoD) and NASA procurements, including large stand-alone contracts, multiple award contracts such as GSA OASIS SB, and IDIQ task orders. We are experienced not only in typical U.S. Federal Government evaluation types such as Best Value Tradeoff and Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA), but also in Highest Technically Rated Offeror with a Realistic and Reasonable Price (HTRO RRP) evaluations for both multiple-award and single-award competitions. 

Contact us and let's explore ways in which we can help you win.